Telenet Homespot

Telenet homespot is free* wireless surfing via a second signal (the public WiFi signal) at Telenet internet customers. Telenet homespot is part of Wi-Free.

Free for Telenet internet customers

All Telenet internet customers can surf for free using Telenet homespots.
and on the homespots of operators which Telenet has an agreement with, for free.

How does Telenet homespot work?

The new modems for wireless internet transmit two separate signals.

  • One private signal: which is and always will be for your personal use (and has been screened off for other users). At home you’ll still be able to surf fast, safe and with just as much volume.
  • A public WiFi signal: that is available for homespot and can be used by other internet customers for wireless surfing for free.

Do you have a Telenet wireless modem at home? Then the homespot works in 2 directions. You have access to the Telenet homespot signals of all other Telenet internet customers. And they have access to yours. The more people that join, the better it works!

Via the Wi-Free Locator on (tab Wi-Free near you) you can look for a Telenet homespot or a Telenet hotspot in your neighbourhood.
More information and conditions on

(*) Telenet reserves the right to offer the service

  • (temporarily) end or charge if Telenet in all fairness believes that the data transfer via our service is excessive (more than 2 gigabyte per month per user)
  • to end the service if it is used for criminal or illegal activities.